2012, മാർച്ച് 27, ചൊവ്വാഴ്ച

Nasyam in Out patient set up

Expanding role of Nasya in outpatient clinics


Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College,

Thaikkattussery, Thrissur

Nasal route of administration has the uniqueness of being in the most proximity to the most important organs in the
body. Hence it is capable of directly influencing organs & systems of its vicinity and domain. The practice of nasya is
so flexible that it may be used safely right from birth to death safely with a difference of dosage. Another advantage is
that a variety of mediums, right from pure water to honey, oils & even powders are available as medicines for selection.
It may be advised as a daily routine for
• general preservation of health
• prevention of any specific diseases he is prone to get affected by virtue of his prakruti, job etc.,
• preventing the recurrence of a disease for which he had undergone treatments earlier
• long term mild shodhana for any dosha remnants after a cource of panchakarma sodhana.
The procedure as a daily routine is so simple that any lay person can be properly educated and motivated to do
pratimarsa nasyam. Pratimarsam nasyam with water is beneficial for large category of people. It can be therapeutically
advised for occasional blood stain in nasal discharge or sputum occurring in connection to sinusitis, rhinitis etc. This
practice can also be modified as jalanethi, when this is made a daily routine. It is going to benefit a wide range of
cases both in salakya and of general catagary such as dry eyes, sjogren’s disease, sinusitis with nasal bleed etc.
Insomnia also has good responses by using plain water for nasya or jalan®ti.
For both daily routine and for the kaphavik¡r¡s, anutailam is the first choice for a variety of reasons. It stays as a sure
remedy for recurrent rhinitis, sinusitis and almost all catarrhal manifestation. Headaches which may be presented as
heaviness, one-sided, with diurnal patterns etc, are completely curable with nasyam. A wide range of vascular & other
forms of headaches are successfully managed by Nasya. The used medications are selected based on the d°Àa
dominance. For example, kÀ¢rabal¡ tailam or ¿atap¡katailam is used in s£ry¡varta types considering its pitta¿amana
property. Headache due to rhinitis, sinusitis etc are better managed by anutailam, even though any nasya, by it’s
kaphahara action offers some degree of relief. Dh¡nvantaram tailam, considering its effectiveness in marm¡gh¡ta, is a
good selection if the headache generated by any mechanism is originated after any head injury. This may also be used
for cervical spondylosis and related neuromuscular complaints. Gh¤tamanda which is prepared with kaÀ¡ya of bala &
vilva is the choice of drug for nasya in various cerebral & cerebellar conditions. K¡rp¡s¡sthy¡di taila & mah¡m¡Àa taila
are perhaps the frequently prescribed medicines in residual paralysis by stroke. Habituating nasya with kˢrabala,
mah¡r¡japras¡ranitailam, dh¡nvantaram tailam etc have proven beneficial in a variety of inflammatory, senile and
neurological conditions of ears like vestibular vertigo, meniers disease, trigeminal neuralgia, senile deafness, tinnitus
This is equally a preventive measure in swellings occurring in neck, shoulder’s & scalp due to rheumatoid & cervical
spondylotic causes. In apab¡huka and other neuromusculoskeltal conditions of shoulders & arm, the preferred
medicine are mah¡bal¡tailam, mah¡r¡japras¡rani tailam, dh¡nvantaram tailam. Nasyam has been highly beneficial in a
number of clinical conditions of the hands such as writers cramps, neuralgic pains etc. However the enthesitic lesions
like Tennis elbow, carpel tunnel syndrome, etc., does not respond easily to nasya. Cardiovascular and respiratory
conditions are not generally attended with nasya for the fear of unwanted provocations. Still in those episodes where
p¢nasa dominates, it helps to reduce the role of kapha in the manifestations.
The systemic actions of nasya is surprising in jaundice. Avap¢dakanasya with d®vad¡l¢phalarasa (luffa cylindrica) brings
a sharp fall in the serum bilirubin level in 24 hours. This technique is to be popularized by all vaidy¡s to make a major
leap in treating liver diseases. As we are aware, there is no appreciable medical management for liver disease in the
English system of medicine, except for supportive therapies. Vaidy¡s, should come forward to offer this miraculous
technique as a lifesaving measure to the society. As this drug is not marketed by anybody, each of us should keep one
or two fruits of Luffa with us, and always be prepared to use them.
For stuffy or congested nose, heavyness of head etc., there are powders available in the market for c£rºanasya.
n¡sik¡c£rnam is such a formulation that can be used here and habituated as snuff in duÀ¶ap¢nasa, sira¿¿£la etc.
Irritant snuffs like cinkini etc., are popular for it’s instantaneous effect on opening up a stuffed nose. vilv¡di gulik¡ used
for avap¢dakanasya was very common in unconscious patients. Vascular dementia is another condition managed with
A total systemic change is often brought in by the nasya as seen its applications in pumsavana etc. Hypermetrarrhagia
is another important condition that responds positively to nasya treatment. The increased bleeding through menstrual
periods, and also those of perimenopausal age are effectively stopped and a surgical interventions can be avoided
with nasya using kaly¡naka gh¤tam or kÀ¢rabala tailam. The mode of action in such hormone related manifestations,
make it hopeful to get a major role in treatments that goes parallel to hormone replacement therapies.
Even in a crowded O.P.unit, the number of cases for which nasya is getting prescribed is very less. This might be
taken as an example for our conditioning and dependency we have gained on practice with internal medicines. The
service of ¡yurv®da and the society at large is at the loser end, when we the vaidyas, don’t use all treatment options
available with us in the needy situations. The role of nasya is to be appreciated more among vaidy¡s as a frontline
approach in acute and chronic cases. Mass education campaigns are to be initiated by vaidy¡s, pharmaceutical
industries, N.G.Os etc to popularize this golden method of treatment among the public.


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