2011, ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 18, വ്യാഴാഴ്‌ച


P.K.V.Anand, Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda Collage,
Thaikkattussery, Ollur, Thrissur
Abstract: Every physician operates through ™ÌÙÍHò, which has unique
descriptions in Ayurveda. A review into the meaning and applications of
™ÌÙÍHò, provides better understanding on this intellectual faculty
Ayurveda is keen on empowering the physician with the cardinal
virtues essential for his profession. The shrewdness in his duties should be
the reflection of the unique means of knowledge called ™ÌÙÍHò* Classics narrate
innumerable contexts for the physician to apply this means of knowledge to
apply the principles. This instrument for acquiring and applying knowledge
is of immense practical significance nowadays than the bygone era. The load
of information available to a physician for practice of medicine is so vast
and immense that the selection of beneficial and credible information is a
tough task. The information derived from direct observations and inferences
speak from eastern and perspectives. They also narrate events and offer
explanations through a variety of subjects such as physics, chemistry, ÌfÌ—ÌÜtÌ
theory, and so on, ending up in complimenting or often contradicting
information. This article explores the instrument ™ÌÙÍHò and its modes operandi
with examples
Perception (Ìët™ÌKÌ) and inference (+ÌÙ˜Ì̍Ì) are basic means of knowledge
on anything that exists or does not exist. There is another ingress for
knowledge, from another persons perception and inference called advises or
=Ìzâù¨Ì* This is also synonymous with +ÌOÌ˜Ì (That which comes in), ¨ÌÌ–zù (verbal
information), etc. =Ì˜ÌÌÌ (analogy) is another tool which helps the translation
of knowledge from one person to another, or which connect one means to
another. ™ÌÙÍHò is the discretionary power which is the key tool that helps in the
drive for achievements.
+ÌÙ˜ÌÌÌ i.e. Logical deduction is essentially preceded by Ìët™ÌKÌ* It has
three kinds of utility. They are inference of the past, present and the future.
It is like assuming fire from the presence of smoke, sexual intercourse from
pregnancy, future fruit from the seed which are learned in comparison to
earlier direct experiences. Inference (+ÌÙ˜Ì̍Ì) is the practicable fact. It is the
logically deduced piece of information which is suited to the context. It is
indirect information based on evidences. There are a lot of details which can
be understood by reasoning. The +ÍOÌî is to be assumed by the digestive
capacity. Strength is to be figured out by capacity to perform physical
Pertinancy - ™ÌÙÍHò:
The discrimination power which arranges the multiple factors that
makes an event in such a way that it describes the past, present and the
future of the event is named as ™ÌÙÍHò* This is of high practical utility. It helps
us to desire (Fò̘Ì) for an objective, to identify the materials (+yÌÊ) required, to
act duly & appropriately (OE̘ÌÊ), which in turn ends up in achieving the goal
The examples from texts depicts the nature of ™ÌÙÍHò* The favorable
association of water, cultivation, seeds and season makes plants. The
merger of the six factors makes fetus. The combination of churning log,
churning stick, and the person to make the friction generates flames.
Prudence with optimal standards of the physician, medicine, nurse and the
patient results in healing. Apart from this, an example for how a concept is
getting proven with ™ÌÙÍHò is also explained by +ÍOÌî¥Ìâ¨Ì*
™ÌÙÍHò is often mistaken as a means of knowledge as it frequently or
almost always is discussed along with perception, inference, etc. ¨Ì̍tÌoeúÍKÌtÌ
explains that ™ÌÙÍHò, in a strict sense, is not a legitimate means of knowledge.
There is no difference between the objective and means of objective in it.
When closely watched, it appears to be a collection of inferences. In many
contexts in ZÌoeúFò²ÌÉÍ·þtÌ, only perception, inference and inscriptions or these three
and analogy are regarded as rationales which can validate knowledge. The
presence and absence of a confluence determines the existence and non
existence of things. ZÌoeúFò²ÌÉÍ·þtÌ names pertinency (™ÌÙÍHò) to this confluence as a
mode of examination for the things that exists. It is a tool of immense
practical utility. It can be regarded as a gate way to the source of
knowledge and to access the benefits of knowledge. It visualizes the event
in such a way that we are able to predict the future of the present events
from the course it had in the past. It envisages the future possibilities in a
disease, when not intervened and when interrupted with each mode of
Colloquial conversations among physicians, many times mystify the
word ™ÌÙÍHò* This conveys a wrong message to the student. He understands
the meaning of the word as things that are difficult to explain or as a
privilege of the physician which offer protection from reasoning his
treatment. Such things happen when one tries to explain empirical
information, which actually fit well under Ìët™ÌK̏Ìë˜ÌÌsÌ and not under ™ÌÙÍHò* It is to
be noticed that ™ÌÙÍHò is not a term used to name the unexplainable, during
treatment discussions, as it appears for a beginner of the subject. Instead it
explains in complete about the rationales in any development. These four,
i.e., perception, logical deduction, information from secondary sources and
pertinency are the examinations for validating and comprehend all existing
and non existing things. ZÌoeúFò²ÌÉÍ·þtÌ shows the example of theory of rebirth
getting substantiated by all of the four.
¥Ìâzù and similar classics advice us that donation, penance, sacred
rituals, truthfulness, non-violence and –ÌêºZÌ™ÌÊ are supposed to provide heaven
and to help in liberation. They also mention that, those who are not able to
conquer their mental defects are not eligible for salvation. These statements
are substantiating the theory of rebirth through +̐ÌÌâÌzâù¨Ì* Although rebirth is
not a subject of direct visualization, it provides ample direct observations
which points to the existence of rebirth. Some of them are, children who
look totally different from their parents, identical twins who have different
characters and fortunes, birth in good or bad family, happy and miserable
lives, life spans, cry of infants, their suckling reflexes, smiling, fear
response, etc., which are not taught by anybody. Such things are evidently
from predispositions prior to their birth. In here the failure to observe a
direct relation in this birth itself is the direct evidence that they are not
taught or determined in this birth. This substantiates the theory of rebirth
through Ìët™ÌK̏Ìë˜ÌÌsÌ* The results of ones own deeds, which did not get
exhausted in his lifespan, gets carried over and manifests in the next life.
These results, which is named as zæù¥Ì in +Ì™ÌÙ¥Ìäzù, is understood by logical
deduction like we envisage the seed from fruit and fruit from the seed. The
continuity of the results of deeds to next life, which is a result of +ÌÙ˜Ì̍Ì, thus
substantiates the theory of rebirth.
Pertinency (™ÌÙÍHò) is the method of properly connecting and arranging
the inferences which are relevant to the issue, to derive a conclusion. They
are arranged as below
The collection of six factors makes the fetus. +̐ÌÌâÌzâù¨Ì
The union of the doer and the instrument makes the action
Only performed action makes results and not the one which is not
There can be no germination without a seed +ÌÙ˜Ì̍Ì
Features of results are dependent on the features of action Ìët™ÌKÌ
A dissimilar outcome cannot happen in one kind of seed Ìët™ÌKÌ
When all the above logics are put together for the purpose of
substantiating the presence of rebirth, it is called ™ÌÙÍHò*
Application of all the four vindicates the hypothesis or statement put
for examination. ¨ÌÌæZÌÉ or the personal hygiene is an important factor in the
generation of diseases. The textual references for the statement are the
+̐ÌÌâÌzâù¨Ì* Establishing association between the extent of poor sanitation and
prevalence of any contagious diseases such as dysentery, typhoid etc., as
proven by statistical tools etc., is Ìët™ÌKÌ. Assuming contamination of water,
food etc., from the presence spread of such diseases among those who share
the same water, food etc. is +ÌÙ˜Ì̍Ì* We may establish the veracity of this
hypothesis in this context with the help of several facts sequentially arranged
to end in the original statement by the means of examination called ™ÌÙÍHò.
Communicable diseases affect many people in the
same period
evidence in the
context - seen
The cases had obvious contamination from close
association etc.
evidence in the
context - seen
Those who did not have the contamination did not
suffer from disease
evidence in the
context - seen
The disease is generated from a microbe which gets
evidence in the
context - seen
The features of the resulting disease is similar to the
features of the source disease.
evidence in the
context - seen
No dissimilar features are present in the resulting
evidence in the
context - seen
All the above statements add to the pertinency of the initial statement
that the present dysentery or typhoid out break is communicable and is
caused by poor hygiene.
Using ·þoeúÕtÌÍFò in diarrhea as an example of ™ÌÙÍHò in clinical contexts
̖ͥ̍OEÌ as symptom of
Clinical context perceived - Ìët™ÌKÌ
Suitability of drug
Empirically perceived - +ÌÙ˜Ì̍Ì
Drug in this condition Textual supports available - +ÌO̘Ì
Drug Makes zùÌâ−̏ÌÌFò and
clears ̖ͥ̍OEÌ
Seen in other disease contexts, Can be deduced
from the properties of ·þoeúÕtÌÍFò
Need in the clinical
Same as above
Possible complications
mild and curable since the drug is soft
Extent of utility Promotes ¨ÌÌâOEÌÌ prior to cure
K.Sreekumar gives his example of ™ÌÙÍHò where the mind performs two
different functions simultaneously for the purpose. When the examiner
motivates his mind to follow the faint fracture lines in the x-ray film, at the
same time as doing that, the function of reasoning should take place in the
intellect which finally comprehends the observed fracture line as the
outcome of multiple causative factors like history of trauma, old age, senile
osteoporosis and so on. This is called ™ÌÙÍHò* Without this kind of logical
reasoning, the diagnosis of a fractured neck of femur cannot be made. ™ÌÙÍHò,
therefore is a basic requisite of the physician attempting diagnosis.
Recognizing the fact given the fickle ness of the mind, it is easier to err than
to be correct. Hence, ZÌoeúFò²ÌÉÍ·þtÌ emphasis that physician should gain control
over his mind and sense organs for the purpose. The physician is at liberty
to make use of any available means to augment his perceptive skills by
employing any of the various techniques that are today at his disposal. All
these four modes of examinations are evidence based and down to earth.
Establishing an observation as a fact or a theory needs all the four.
Descriptive and experimental studies fall in either or both of the Ìët™ÌKÌ or +ÌÙ˜Ì̍Ì
modes of examinations. In practical sense, usually these two, either falls in
line or stands separate with the +̐ÌÌâÌzâù¨Ì* When it is not proven or not
practically experienced that +̐ÌÌâÌzâù¨Ì becomes a subject to skepticism and that
+ÌÌ is not proven as a ™ÌyÌÌyÌÊ¥ÌHòÌ* Such statements gets ignored by the physician
as seen for the statement in ˜ÌÌOEÌ¥Ì͍ÌzùÌÌ which says that the females does not
develop Ìë˜Ìâ·þ* This is an example of non pertinency.
+Ì™ÌÙ¥Ìäzù advocates the complementary system of diagnosis which does
not rely on any one finding alone to reach conclusions. Even though there
are highly effective diagnostic modalities like pulse examination, MRI - CT
scanners, biochemical tests, etc., +Ì™ÌÙ¥Ìäzù never allow diagnosis based on a
single factor or more precisely single sign, instead a differential, cumulative
and complimentary system for diagnosis is used. Physician should learn to
allow findings of individual modalities to form part of a broader, more
holistic differential system which evaluates different diagnostic data,
correlates and compares them against one another, and arrives at a
differential hypothesis. Iridology, Kinesiology, Radionics and Psionic
medicine are examples of simplistic diagnostic modalities that have failed to
deliver much. How ever there are some occasions where diagnosis can be
made by a single factor into consideration as ˜ÌÌOEÌ¥Ì͍ÌzùÌÌ says ͍Ìzù̍̏ÌfÌFò
collectively and individually are capable of providing the knowledge about
the disease.
In the context of treatment, ™ÌÙÍHò is the major tool for finalizing the
diagnosis & clinical condition, prioritizing different clinical approaches,
suitability of the selected drug in the context, mode and dose of
administration, envisaging possibilities to design the treatment, etc. It finds
its place in the knowledge system where ever different perceptions, logics,
options and possibilities comes into play. Thus it gains its position as the
foremost intellectual tool of a physician, who leads the four membered team
to achieve health.
ZÌoeúFò²ÌÉÍ·þtÌ with +Ì™ÌÙ¥ÌäzùzùÕ͏ÌFòÌ ¥™ÌÌL™ÌÌ
Diagnostic methods of Ayurveda - K.Sreekumar, Published by
Aryavaidyasala, Kottackal


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